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Myofascial Release 30minute Taster

Discover How to Make Friends with Your Fascia!

30 min
5 British pounds
Nailsworth Natural Health Centre

Service Description

A 30 Minute introduction to the John F Barnes indirect Myofascial Release (MFR) bodywork therapy. All proceeds from these MFR tasters will be donated to local charities, so you're supporting vulnerable people in your community as well as prioritising your own wellbeing! These taster sessions are intended to raise your awareness of fascia - the largest sensory organ in the body, and it's critical role in regulating the healthy function of many other bodily systems. We will have a brief discussion to explain about fascia and then you will experience some generic MFR treatment with Tim from Pressure Sensitive. It is important to note that MFR needs to be performed directly on to DRY SKIN, so please avoid using moisturisers or lotions on the day. The most practical clothing is shorts / vest tops / sports bras or at least loose fitting clothing. NB this will NOT involve a full client assessment & treatment plan - it's a taster. Fascia is the continuous 3-dimensional matrix of collagenous tissue which runs throughout the body, encasing most other bodily structures and infusing them down to a cellular level. When fascia gets stressed, whether from physical impacts, surgeries, or emotional & psychological trauma, it locks down its structure, forming areas of restriction in the matrix. These restrictions can exert crushing pressure on nerves, arteries, organs and other pain-sensitive structures. This in turn can lead to the development of many common health conditions such as high blood pressure, anxiety, poor mobility, chronic pain syndromes and auto-immune diseases. There is also some recent research suggesting a strong link between Fascia restrictions and Long Covid. For over 50 years the American Physical Therapist John F Barnes has been the world's leading pioneer of manual fascia treatment. His approach holds gentle sustained pressure into the fascia and after a few minutes the tissue matrix softens and begins to flow, undoing areas of restriction as it does so. The effect is deeply relaxing. Why not find out what MFR could do for you?

Contact Details

  • Nailsworth Natural Health Clinic, George Street, Nailsworth, Stroud, UK

    07419 827260

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